University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Research and Instructional Greenhouse
Plant research with precision
Situated on a rooftop that affords plentiful sun exposure, this new greenhouse for the Department of Biological Sciences replaces two outdated campus greenhouses. The sophisticated facility is home to the university's expansive botanical collection of over 670 species and supports both undergraduate and graduate education as well as funded research.
The greenhouse features many technical elements that enable diverse research capabilities. Eleven separate environments support distinct growing conditions with specialized systems for light, temperature, humidity, airflow, and carbon dioxide while exterior construction includes both glass and acrylic, further maximizing the design's flexibility. In contrast, many greenhouses are constructed as a single open space, limiting the variation of these conditions. With this level of control, the rooms essentially function as environmental growth chambers under glass, enabling precise growing conditions that can be fine-tuned to each individual study's needs.
As an instructional space, the greenhouse serves roughly 1,700 students throughout the year. The abundant examples of plant physiology, biodiversity, and evolution provide an ideal learning space for classes at all levels and bring biology to life, inspiring curiosity and deeper exploration.