The Ohio State University
Celeste Laboratory of Chemistry Renovation
Modernizing foundational science spaces
Built in 1986, the Celeste Laboratory of Chemistry is one of the busiest facilities on The Ohio State University campus. With chemistry instruction forming a vital foundation for a broad range of STEM disciplines, the building serves as an important resource for a large percentage of the student population. To ensure these environments can continue to support an elite chemistry curriculum for both undergraduate and graduate students, laboratories and support spaces, collaboration and public areas, and utility and structural systems have been updated and modernized throughout the 110,000-square-foot building.
A substantial focus of the renovation centers on improving the student experience in the general and fume-hood-intensive, organic teaching laboratories that have reached the end of their functional life. Reorganization improved sight lines and transparency while also minimizing congestion by spreading out sinks, sharing equipment zones, and placing backpack storage at the front of the labs – all positive impacts on student safety. Bench configuration and location are designed to increase engagement between teaching assistants and students, enhancing learning in small-group settings.
Design of the new spaces will have a significant impact on the chemistry department's future, providing the ability to employ the most current teaching pedagogies and the capacity to accommodate projected increases in student class size.
Flad Architects (laboratory programming and planning), BHDP (architect of record, interior design)