Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Instrumentation Integration and Testing Facility
Cutting-edge engineering and research
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) uses cutting-edge engineering technology to support biological, chemical, and physical science research in ocean environments from the surface to the deep seafloor. In support of the evolving needs of MBARI's scientific and engineering programs, Flad designed the new Instrumentation Integration and Testing Facility, a 30,000-square-foot research and development facility.
Activities in the building include flexible spaces for scientific research, instrument development and preparation, and research platform engineering and assembly; all areas that serve the core function of the organization.
The conference rooms and the large, multi-media rooms will have waterfront views, and the building will be located across the street from the research vessel docks. The building was planned to accommodate sea level rise from the ocean side and FEMA flood zones on the landward side, all relevant to construction on the harbor/oceanfront campus.