Auburn University
Agricultural Science Building Feasibility Study
Planning for a new generation of AgriScience
With sights set toward a call for progress, Auburn's College of Agriculture has embarked on a vision for new facilities that will sustain interdisciplinary research and instruction into the future. Looking to capitalize on opportunities of co-locating the departments of entomology and plant pathology; horticulture; and crop, soil, and environmental sciences, these related disciplines will benefit from an environment designed to promote partnerships and leverage the expertise of specialists in each field.
As part of a programming study for a new building, the design team explored several concepts that feature a series of open, flexible research neighborhoods. Different scenarios examined a variety of labs and specialized instrumentation space adjacent to office, conference, and team collaboration areas; allowing for a convenient flow between activities. These concepts dedicate a significant portion of the building's program to student spaces including teaching labs, specialized classrooms, and informal team collaboration spaces. Connecting these areas, high levels of transparency give way to ample daylight throughout as well as a visual awareness between the research and teaching components with a goal of heightening student interest in future career possibilities in the field.
Flad Architects (programming and concept design) collaborated with architect of record, Foil Wyatt Architects & Planners for this feasibility study.