Chris Czenszak | Flad Architects

The first question I ask researchers when I initially meet them is ‘Tell me about your research.' I am fascinated and inspired by science, and it gives me a great sense of accomplishment to apply my perspective when enhancing a research environment. The relationships formed on projects benefit everyone, providing the foundation for the next big discovery.

Chris Czenszak

Director of Science & Technology, New York

An experienced laboratory planner, Chris knows that collaboration and communication are the foundation of every project. His hands-on approach involves understanding the daily activities of researchers and scientists, empowering his work to be the best it can be. Interested in the details, he brings clients' visions to life, creating research environments that enhance productivity, energize teams, and inspire innovation.


The first question I ask researchers when I initially meet them is ‘Tell me about your research.' I am fascinated and inspired by science, and it gives me a great sense of accomplishment to apply my perspective when enhancing a research environment. The relationships formed on projects benefit everyone, providing the foundation for the next big discovery.