UW Health Transplant Clinic Recognized by HCD
The UW Health Pleasant T. Rowland Transplant Clinic designed by Flad has received special recognition as a finalist in Healthcare Design Magazine's Healthcare Design Showcase. The prestigious awards program honors the very best healthcare design and architecture across the globe.
Judged by a panel of jurors inclusive of healthcare architects, interior designers, builders, owners, and consultants, The Pleasant T. Rowland Transplant Clinic was one of only ten projects recognized in the 2023 program.
In addition, Healthcare Design recently published a photo tour highlighting the clinic.
About the project >
With the goal of creating a better and more streamlined experience for everyone involved in the crucial and life-giving process
of organ transplantation, UW Health established the new Pleasant T. Rowland Transplant Clinic. The project provides a new home
and much-needed space for growth of the world-class UW Health transplant program, which was previously located in the hospital's
lower level, by repurposing existing space in a prominent location on the main floor for outpatient care areas.
The new transplant clinic consolidates a full spectrum of patient services in one location, alleviating the need for patients to travel to other areas of the hospital. Flexible exam rooms, prep and recovery rooms, infusion and procedure rooms, private consultation rooms, and registration, along with a more comforting and inviting family lounge, are all in one convenient location. A clean and bright design palette, an interactive art installation that honors living donors, and glass for daylight and views infuse the space with hope and inspiration.
UW Health Pleasant T. Rowland Transplant ClinicHealthcare Design Photo Tour
August 30, 2023