A Roadmap for Data-driven Decision Making in Space Planning
Tradeline // Space Strategies 2021
Monday, October 11, 2021
2:20-3:15 pm MST
Scottsdale, Arizona
It's all about the Big Data in space planning, but what does that really mean, how do you get it, and how is it used in the built environment? As the pandemic continues to drive rapid change in the way spaces are used across market sectors, the ability to track evolving metrics will be crucial to ensuring organizational success.
Laura Serebin, Principal and Elizabeth Strutz, Director of Process Innovation at Flad Architects will discuss new methods to effectively implement data-driven, decision-making tools to inform space planning. They will share approaches to benchmarking standards and interactive dashboards, the latest strategies and technologies to measure space utilization, and tools for pre- and post-occupancy evaluation. They will also demonstrate the use of electronic data visualization dashboards in supporting interactive decision making and tracking space metrics across project types. Case studies will be reviewed highlighting the beneficial outcomes of using these tools for academic medical centers, corporate scientific and technology organizations, and academic institutions.