Integrating Interactive Media with Architecture
Flad Project Featured in Architectural Record
The Bass Biology Building at Stanford University continues to attract interest and acclaim for its seamless incorporation of experiential, interactive media within the architecture, creating an uplifting and community-focused environment for the biology department to call home. The project is featured in this month's issue of Architectural Record, highlighting its engaging digital media elements that bring the story of science to life.
The most visible feature is a two-story Mediamesh® screen that rises above the building's main entrance. Titled Morphogenesis, this ongoing display of colors and patterns represent the mathematical equations found in nature; each design shown is programmed by passers-by who interact with touchscreen controls. Another large installation is found inside the lobby – a room-dividing glass screen exhibits tightly collaged photographs that abstractly represent the sea. Designed by Gail Wight, local artist and professor at Stanford's Department of Art & Art History, the 60-foot-long work is overlaid with a film that fades opaque to transparent in rhythm with tidal electrical currents generated 90 miles away in Monterey Bay.
Flad collaborated with experiential graphic design firm Knot out of Portland, Oregon on the project, working in-step throughout development of the building's design to incorporate these high-tech representations of biology into the architecture. With the university's commitment to including art and digital media in the project, the team was able to create an interactive experience that blends biology's story with the campus community and beyond.
Design collaboration by Flad (architect of record) and Knot (experiential graphic designer) Mediamesh® by GKD Metal Fabrics
Experiential Graphic Design: Immaterial Material Architectural RecordStanford University
Bass Biology Research Building
November 02, 2021