Flad Selected to Design Two Projects at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Flad is pleased to announce that our firm has been selected for two new projects at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), a global leader in advanced ocean science and education.
The first new project is a 6,000-square-foot Expedition Staging Building (ESB) which will be used for a variety of purposes associated with preparations of equipment and supplies for remote seagoing expeditions including preparing mobile data gathering platforms and instrumentation that will be deployed from research vessels. The instrumentation is used by MBARI's researchers to gather samples, data, and images from underwater research instruments and platforms – both on their own vessels as well as in collaboration with other institutions worldwide.
The second project, Building G, is a 30,000-square-foot research and development building to be constructed on MBARI's campus in Moss Landing. Activities in the building will include biological research labs, flexible spaces for dry labs, instrument development and preparation, and research platform engineering and assembly; all areas that serve the core function of the organization. The conference and large multimedia rooms will have waterfront views, and the building will be located across the street from the research vessel docks. The building will be planned to accommodate sea level rise from the ocean side and FEMA flood zones on the landward side, all relevant to construction on the harbor/oceanfront campus.
Both projects will aid MBARI in its mission to achieve and maintain a position as a world center for advanced research, sensor, and platform developments to further ocean science and technology.
Learn more about MBARI Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Expedition Staging Building (ESB)Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Instrumentation Integration and Testing Facility
January 19, 2022