Flad Slated to Sponsor the GBA-GIP Joint Spring Meeting
The Association of American Medical Colleges' Group on Business Affairs "advances administrative and fiscal management in academic medical institutions" in support of "medical education, research, and health care," making its national meetings important informational and networking opportunities. When the GBA and another subset of the AAMC, the Group on Institutional Planning — which advances the discipline of planning in academic medicine — hold their Joint Spring Meeting in Portland, Oregon, in April, Flad will be there as a sponsor as well as an exhibitor.
This year's theme is "Optimization, Prioritization, and Partnerships — Resource Strategies for a New Era," providing a forum for understanding the collaborations that occur daily at academic medical centers. Attendees will include representatives of accredited United States and Canadian medical schools, teaching hospitals, academic societies, and health systems including Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers.
The GBA-GIP 2018 Joint Spring Meeting will take place April 17-20 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront.
April 17, 2018