Flad Tampa Ranks in Top Ten Area Firms
We are pleased to announce that Flad Tampa is ranked within the top ten firms on the Tampa Bay Business Journal's Largest Bay Area Architecture Firms listing. The list comprises the largest firms ranked by staff numbers and 2020 revenues in the counties of Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and Sarasota.
Flad has operated a Florida practice for over 40 years. Our Tampa office serves clients primarily throughout Florida and the Caribbean, providing award-winning, full architectural services to clients including academic medical networks, regional healthcare systems, and developers. Notable projects currently under construction in the area included in this recognition include Sarasota Memorial Hospital–Venice (a new, full-service, acute care hospital) and The Brian D. Jellison Cancer Institute's Cancer Tower (a new eight-story oncology tower), both welcoming patients in Fall 2021. These projects exemplify our Tampa team's capabilities in thoughtfully designing innovative, patient-centric environments that foster healing and well-being today, while providing flexible, proactive strategies to embrace and accommodate future advancements and needs.
August 26, 2021