Flad Ranked #8 in Bay Area
We are pleased to announce that Flad San Francisco is ranked within the top ten firms on the San Francisco Business Time's Largest Bay Area Architecture Firms listing, currently positioned as number eight. The list comprises the 68 largest firms ranked by 2020 gross revenues in the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo.
Our San Francisco office, established in 1994, serves clients throughout the West Coast, providing award-winning, full architectural services to clients including prominent universities, leading pharmaceutical companies, private research institutions, national laboratories, and developers. Featured on the Largest Bay Area Architecture Firms list are two recent projects (highlighted in the links below) that exemplify our San Francisco team's capabilities in thoughtfully designing innovative, high-impact spaces that balance modern workplace design with flexible laboratories and support space, resulting in robust scientific environments that foster collaboration and encourage discovery.
April 29, 2021